The Diack Ecology Education Program
A Program of the Oregon Science Teachers Association
August 5 - 7
Molalla Retreat Center
The Diack Ecology Education Program and the Jane Goodall Environmental Middle School invite you to participate in a free science teacher training focused on field-based science inquiry .
This three-day workshops will provide hands-on opportunities in the field as well as classroom time to develop curriculum tools and strategies that promote student-driven field-based science inquiry projects from kindergarten through high school. Attending teachers can also apply for a $2,000 grant ($6000 if you work collaboratively with at least two other teachers) for classroom equipment and resources for field-based inquiry investigations from the Diack Ecology Education Program.
This training is sponsored by the Diack Ecology Education Program of the Oregon Science Teachers Association and the Jane Goodall Environmental Middle School (JGEMS), a public charter school in Salem, Oregon, focusing on field-based environmental science.
What you will learn
· Field-based science inquiry with your students, from the first visit to the field site to final presentation of the investigation’s results.
· The opportunity to carry out a science inquiry investigation at the workshop site.
· Curriculum integration - how to use this as an opportunity for students to apply the skills and knowledge they learn in the classroom to engaging and meaningful field-based projects.
· Logistical concerns - time, funding, safety and developing community partnerships.
· The opportunity to use a variety of equipment which your students could use in their investigations.

For more information and to register, contact Mike Weddle at mkweddle@comcast.net